Age: 30
Camera: Minolta x300 – Contax 167 MT – Lomography Diana Mini - Polaroid 600
Film: Fujifilm superia 200/x-tra 400 – Impossible First Flush
Season: spring.. in bloom

Place: Torino, Italy
Book: Ziggy by Dennis Cooper

Photographers : I love Tamara Lichtenstein and Todd Fisher’s work, I can spend hours looking at their photos and of course I admire Nan Goldin, Annie Leibovitz and Juergen Teller.

What do you expect of the future?
In general I expect the future to act like a mirror that reflects how we feel inside. If you try hard to be the person you want to be and convince yourself you can, don’t doubt you’ll reach your goals. With regard to photography I think everyone needs to be free to express themselves by every possible means that technology permits..and considering everyday improvement I think everything will be possible soon.. and that is ok to me.

This is one of my favourites I think, it’s because of the bright colours and composition and because it looks like this lovely family has gotten itself lost in time and space.

What do you think about the overflowing massive of photographs in this digital era?
I think people need to capture every positive memory and every nice feeling because of the chaotic life they live nowadays, always running after something or somebody and busy with everyday occupations so that they don’t really enjoy life if they aren’t used to pay enough attention to it. For this reason I think it’s good that we have at our disposal different means to be able to do that, some are instant and easy to use, others are elaborate and tricky… these are the ones I love.. that’s why I stick to analogue photography. 

Why do you believe in photography?
Because I believe in beauty to make things better and make you feel better. A lovely image to look at makes me feel so good……and, oh well, I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles.. ops! I think someone said this before.. !

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